David Squyres has been pastor of Palms Baptist Church since November of 2000. His wife Rebecca of 25 years died in 2022. David and Rebecca have four children, Sharon (and her husband Zach), Annie, Susie and Miriam; and a growing tribe of grandchildren.
When he was sixteen years old, God clearly called David into pastoral ministry. “I was an intensely shy young man. I lost a role in drama because I couldn’t talk loud enough to be heard. I began to feel God telling me to go into ministry. I objected, telling the Lord that I could never have the strength to preach. Then I was reading Matthew 25, about the master who gave the talents. It says that he gave them each according to their ability. I clearly sensed the Holy Spirit say to me, ‘David, I will never ask you to do anything I will not give you the gifts to do.’”
David is passionate about praying for the church family, going up hills in 29 Palms most nights to pray and seek the Lord. A graduate of California Baptist University, he previously pastored Lake Elsinore Baptist Church.
He has also authored several books, including, “Judges, the Wild West of the Bible,” “The Elijah Prophecies” and, “How Uncle Huey Got Religion.”
God put Palms Baptist church here for a reason. There is a unique purpose for our existence. Since the formation of this body of believers, well over a thousand people have been baptized! In the last two years we have seen over 100 publicly profess their faith in Christ by baptism.
We would expect a small church in 29 Palms to not be making much of a difference.... but God doesn't work our way. Palms Baptist Church is making a huge difference. We are seeing lives changed by God. I believe God can change America from 29 Palms. No kidding, I really believe that. How? Because of the church’s unique situation. We reach many military families (both Marine and Navy) who are only here for a short time. This is our opportunity to share the good news, get them excited and involved in God’s work and then in no time at all God moves them on to another place. But that's the beauty of what God is doing! God doesn't keep people here to just build a big church in 29 Palms, he moves people out into Nation to make a difference all over America and the world. The fire of revival in our nation could be started from the sparks sent out from 29 Palms.
Three thousand years ago a bold prophet named Elijah walked the earth. He stalked the wicked and delivered the Word of a Mighty God to a hopeless generation. Elijah’s life can be defined by a series of ten prophecies. Ten times the Almighty spoke through this man of God into our world. His word was like thunder, echoing from that generation to our own. Step back to walk with a man who called off the rain, was fed by ravens, called down fire on Mount Carmel, spoke with God on Mount Horeb, sentenced kings and queens to death, and rode a whirlwind into heaven. A man so beloved by the Almighty, He sent a blazing chariot of fire to escort Elijah to heaven. Experience the passion of a fearless prophet of God. Most of all, rekindle the fire of your heart as you encounter the God Elijah served
Does your walk with God still take your breath away? Has it been a while since you truly stood in awe of God? Does your Bible time lack focus and energy? Do you feel like you’re just fulfilling a ritual when someone says, “Let’s pray.” Has life itself begun to dig into your walk with God like a greedy weed? Is your spiritual life being choked? It’s time to break new ground with God. This can be the greatest season in your spiritual journey. When was the last time you read a book that dared to challenge you to move out of your spiritual comfort zone? Based on six truths for breaking new ground with God, you can discover renewed joy and passion your relationship with the Lord. Come on, this could change everything.
DID YOU KNOW. . . In 1938 a country bumpkin named Huey House played a fast one on the IRS. When Huey learned that churches do not pay income taxes, he informed the IRS that he was a church. To his utter surprise, Huey got a letter from the IRS with the grim news that they would be making a visit to his church. Huey quickly got to work establishing the Little Rickety Church of Madison Creek. The scam would have far deeper implications than just a tax audit. Huey’s church would pull races together, cause many to question what they really believed and challenge everyone to radically live their faith. However, the Little Rickety Church would also incite local rage as it broke both spiritual and cultural norms. When Huey House and the members of the Little Rickety Church finally face their foes in the great Battle of Madison Creek, their only hope is that deliverance might come from the heavens themselves.
Three thousand years ago a boy stood face to face with a giant and changed the world. It's time to find out what this story is really about. The account of David and Goliath is rich with details easily overlooked. Have you ever wondered why the Bible says that a man named Elhanan killed Goliath? What happened to Goliath’s sword? Yes, the giants sword does reappear in the Bible. Why did Jesse send cheese with young David to a battle? Why did David cut off Goliath’s head? And what did David do with the giant’s head? In Goliath's Head, David Squyres directs us not only to the rich meanings in this account, but to its powerful application to our daily lives. Do you work for a jerk? So did David. Do you have a difficult family? So did David. Does anyone mock and ridicule your faith? David knew those hardships, too. Yet, despite frustrations, derision and insults, David not only defeated the enemy in front of him, he changed the world.
Howdy! It’s time to saddle up for a ride through some of the most rough and tumble portions of scripture; the book of Judges. Judges is a critical bridge in the Biblical narrative, taking us from the early pioneers as they ride into the land to the wars with natives. Throughout Judges, God raised up a series of bold sheriffs who would deliver an old west style of justice. Judges, The Wild West Of The Bible, is an energetic guided tour to one of the most exciting books of the Bible. Come ride with me as we meet some real heroes in history, and some of the cruelest villains ever to walk the face of planet earth. Judges is both fun, and difficult. This is one book it's good to have someone saddled up beside you to show you the lay of the land. The horses are ready, your gear is packed, I got you a canteen and some jerky. Let's get riding, partner. And bring a six-shooter, there's some badlands ahead. This guided tour, written an energetic flare, will address some issues Believers wrestle with today, such as: 1. Can I trust and love a God who ordered the Hebrews to kill all the people in the land? 2. Did Jephthah sacrifice his own daughter? Is God good with that? Would God ask the same of us? 3. Can God heal the pain of a broken family? 4. Is there a way back to God after I've messed up big time? 5. If I believe, why do I doubt? Also, Judges contains the best chapter devoted almost completely to raising Godly children. Saddle up