We're Jesus freaks. Our earnest prayer is to love Jesus more in one unified mind, spirit, and body with Christ as the head
We will love your children! There are children's programs at all services. Children are always welcome in the sanctuary. We do ask that crying or very active children be taken to children's programs. We also run a Wednesday night Youth Program and an AWANA program (Sunday Night for Journey).
Of course, single Marines and the community of 29 Palms have a home here too! We love to see interaction between our established community and military personnel.
Pastor will always wear his crazy ties. . . but the rest of us usually dress comfortably. We desire a prepared heart...not a prepared wardrobe
We are unashamed of the Gospel and proudly preach God's Word. We do not twist scripture to meet convenient, popular, or trendy political, cultural, or positions.
We highly encourage you get involved. We offer an array of opportunities to get connected with the body of Christ, grow within that body, and to act as the hands and feet of that body to reach a broken and lost world who desperately need Jesus!
Palm's has a prime northern lot, northern side lot, and prime eastern lot for parking. Parking fills up quick, so try to be early. If all parking is full, we have an overflow dirt lot north of the church (or, west of Joshua House) that you can safely park and not get stuck!
All Children from new born through 8th grade check-in at the nursery (See Photo below for Entrance). We suggest showing up 15 minutes prior to service as there may be a minor wait. Where you pick-up your child after service depends on your child's age and which service you attend (Children's Church, Kidz Town, Joshua House, Nursery), however, we will ensure you are shown exactly where pick-up is.
All Ages Check-In
(Both Services)
Children's Church Pick-Up
(9am Service Only)
Sunday School Pick-Up
(10:45am Service Only)
(7th-12th Grade Drop-off and Pick-Up)
(Both Services)
Located inside Sanctuary bldg.
Check-In at nursery first!
(Infant Nursery Located inside)
Worship service played over video feed for parents who need to tend their child during service
Unless you're early, this lot is generally full.
This lot for overflow parking.