"Love the Lord God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves."
Our mission is to accomplish this purpose by balancing these biblical functions of the church:
God grows us by using us
Ministry: Every Believer has a vital role in God’s family.
God is the focus of our worship
Worship: We do not create worship services to draw a crowd, but to lift Jesus high.
God’s church should be a place that
welcomes kids enthusiastically
Children: Every child is a living soul that God loves passionately.
God’s House should be functional and beautiful
Grounds: We desire to have grounds that make ministry easy.
God’s Word is our best tool to make disciples
Discipleship: The Bible is the greatest discipleship book ever written.
God doesn’t count people out
Missions: God not only wants to reach 29 Palms, but the world.
We participate in worldwide missions because the Gospel is the hope of the world.
God moves us deeper into the family
Connections: We want to shepherd people into the church and into the other ministries so that they can work together to be the body of Christ.
Shepherding and Discipleship Ministry
Music Ministry
Mission's Ministry
Children's Ministry
Levite's Ministry
Connections Ministry
Young Adults Ministry
Couples Ministry
Hospitality/Decorations Ministry
Tech AVL Ministry
Deployed Ministry
Youth Ministry
Nursery Ministry
Palms Baptist Church has no creed other than the Bible. The Bible is our statement of faith. That means we believe:
1. The Bible is completely the Word of God. We believe the full Scriptures are to be obeyed.
2. There is only one God.
3. God is expressed in 3 persons: The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit.
4. Man is sinful and dead toward God -- man is incapable of saving himself.
5. Jesus is the expected Messiah who became flesh in order to free us from sin. He died and was raised back to life.
6. Faith in Jesus is the only way to salvation.
7. Because salvation is a gift of grace, it cannot be lost.
8. Believers should publicly express their faith by being Baptized by immersion.
9. The church was created by Jesus for 5 reasons: To worship God, to reach out with love to the lost and share the good News, to disciple believers in a growing relationship with God, to equip the family of God to do the work of God, and to encourage members to deeply connect with one another in true brotherly love. (Worship, evangelism, discipleship, ministry, fellowship)
10. Jesus will return to earth to gather his people to him, punish evil and usher in a new creation.
Started in the home of the Founding Pastor in 1957, this Church has been blessed with many years of success under the leadership of some wonderful pastors. Although there is a tendency for major change in membership numbers due to the transient nature of the Marine Base, this Church is consistent in its ministries. By reaching and teaching members to be ministers this Church exports missionaries world wide.
Chairman of the Deacons
Deacon of Food for Life
Pastor Oversight
Deacon of Benevolence
Deacon of Funerals
Deacon of Grounds
Pastor Oversight
Deacon of Widow Oversight